As a club, we strive to create an atmosphere where everyone can feel welcome and accepted.
As part of our commitment to this ideal, we developed a Code of Conduct that establishes basic expectations of behavior and provides a way to address a problem should it occur. When someone joins or renews their membership, they will be asked to read and agree to the Code of Conduct. We hope that as a representative of HOTV you will help foster a safe and welcoming environment during group runs, events, social functions, and on HOTV social media. Thank you! HOTV Code of Conduct PolicyHeart of the Valley Runners (HOTV) is a diverse group of road and trail runners and walkers in and around Corvallis, Oregon. HOTV provides a supportive and inspiring community, hosts group runs, and hosts or assists with running events and programs. We are committed to maintaining an inclusive space where runners and walkers of all abilities feel welcome.
The Code of Conduct is created for the safety and benefit of HOTV members and guests. The purpose of this policy is to set forth the basic principles of decency we expect members to follow so that all can achieve their running goals in a safe and fun environment.
Each member is a representative of HOTV; be mindful of your actions in public places, at events, and during training runs, as they may reflect on, and have negative consequences for, HOTV as an organization.
As an HOTV member, you agree to:
All alleged violations of the Code of Conduct will be investigated by the HOTV Board. The Board will review the report and gather information by interviewing the involved parties and any witnesses to the alleged violation. The Board will then discuss the findings at the next scheduled Board meeting.
The Board, in its discretion and upon a majority vote, may fashion a remedy depending on the severity of the violation, including but not limited to a verbal warning, a written warning, referral of the matter to law enforcement, temporary or permanent exclusion from HOTV sponsored events, and termination of HOTV membership, without full or partial reimbursement of dues paid.
Any member faced with cancellation of HOTV membership or exclusion from HOTV events will have the opportunity to address the Board either in writing or in person before any such sanction is issued.